How do you access Learnbee from Bsharp Learn

Administrators can access the Learnbee Authoring tool by clicking on Bsharp AI in the ‘Content’ section. This is available only to Administrators and Regional Administrators.

How do you access Learnbee from Bsharp Learn

Administrators can access the Learnbee Authoring tool by clicking on Bsharp AI in the ‘Content’ section. This is available only to Administrators and Regional Administrators.

Inside, click on ‘Create Topic’ to create a Learnbee Topic.

Once in, you can create content from PDF or from Scratch.

Check out this guide on how you can create content from PDF

Once the content is created, it can be deployed as an artifact in the content deployment workflow of Bsharp Learn.

  • Add basic information of the training.

  • Add participants

  • In the third stage of the process, select Learnbee in ‘Add’

Enter Topic details, and put in the ‘Topic Code’ from the Learnbee content created

Save and continue the process. You will see that the Learnbee topic is deployed to the user seamlessly.