2024: No magic wand, year of competence!

2024: No magic wand, year of competence!

Your team is on the walk to the 2024 Summit. Now, the fog is clearing and the contours of the mountain are visible. The hype doesn’t matter. Your climb is driven by your competence, your awareness and your instinct. I feel this is the year of:

  1. Customer Success

  2. Safety

  3. AI Delivery

2024: No magic wand, year of competence!

2024: No magic wand, year of competence!

Your team is on the walk to the 2024 Summit. Now, the fog is clearing and the contours of the mountain are visible. The hype doesn’t matter. Your climb is driven by your competence, your awareness and your instinct. We feel this is the year of:

  1. Customer Success

  2. Safety

  3. AI Delivery

Customer Success

Under Promise, Over DeliverUnder Promise, Over Deliver

Your existing customers are also seeing through their respective fog, on their respective Summit of 2024. They see that the stock market is all stroked, but there is reluctance in the demand. They are optimising for the excesses that the COVID era built and now they need to shed. This is true of the extra cars, computers, software, servers, AI projects, all bought during the go-go days. They are all getting optimised.

This has an impact on us as vendors. Their strong arm of optimisation will reign on us too. If we do not over deliver on the promise we make to a customer, we will be ‘optimised’.

So, this is the year we go back to the basics.

  • Which metric of the customer’s business can we impact

  • How do we impact the metric

  • How do we demonstrate day on day that we are impacting the metric
  • Hence, what is the economic value we are delivering?

  • Which metric of the customer’s business can we impact

  • How do we impact the metric

  • How do we demonstrate day on day that we are impacting the metric

  • Hence, what is the economic value we are delivering?

2023 was the year of possibilities thinking. There was a nip of irrational exuberance in the air. 2024 feels like the year of KPI impact. Hard. Real. Tangible.

Promise. Deliver the promise. Over deliver. Then you are in the game.

2023 was the year of possibilities thinking. There was a nip of irrational exuberance in the air. 2024 feels like the year of KPI impact. Hard. Real. Tangible.

Promise. Deliver the promise. Over deliver. Then you are in the game.

Online Safety

Building Trust through Security and Privacy
Building Trust through Security and Privacy

Customers are zooming back to basics. As a software vendor, your strong security and privacy posture is what will get you a place on the table. As customers cut through the different services and SAAS subscriptions they signed up in the go-go days, customer safety is going to be of paramount importance.

An innovative software might sell more products. Compromise on the Data Safety Norms can put the company people in jail and spoil reputations forever. Now, you tell me which side of the customers will err on.

So, this is the year we go back to the basics.

  • Build people practices that prioritise cyber safety and privacy.

  • Roll out Security First architectures.

  • Be aware and comply with the laws of the land.

  • Build people practices that prioritise cyber safety and privacy.

  • Roll out Security First architectures.

  • Be aware and comply with the laws of the land.

Year’s theme on Information Security: Respect privacy. Build security first architecture. Build a safety reputation.

Rubber meets the road on AI

Experimentation to Organizational Impact
Experimentation to Organizational Impact

How do we move AI based business processes changes from mere pilots to organisational wide impact practices?

Check out the Gartner AI Hype Cycle chart. Organisational AI is still climbing towards peak hype. We have run extensive projects on AI.

  • AI generated language is good (ChatGPT), but requires clean up for market use.

  • AI translations are passable, but require human wordsmithing.

  • AI Voice overs are good enough, but still are robotic for most languages.

  • AI based Excel analysis is good, but it cannot answer some type of questions.

  • AI based speaker transcription is good for routine calls, but not accurate enough for professional scenarios (call Centre multilingual transcription).

  • AI based software development is progressive, but still requires a human to stitch things together.

  • AI Image recognition for stock inventory is good, but gives only 85% accuracy.

  • On the whole, AI is good… but requires some maturity for high reliability.

  • AI generated language is good (ChatGPT), but requires clean up for market use.

  • AI translations are passable, but require human wordsmithing.

  • AI Voice overs are good enough, but still are robotic for most languages.

  • AI based Excel analysis is good, but it cannot answer some type of questions.

  • AI based speaker transcription is good for routine calls, but not accurate enough for professional scenarios (call Centre multilingual transcription).

  • AI based software development is progressive, but still requires a human to stitch things together.

  • AI Image recognition for stock inventory is good, but gives only 85% accuracy.

  • On the whole, AI is good… but requires some maturity for high reliability.

So, companies will see this year as the year of AI Experimentation. How do we adopt what is good and leverage it to reduce costs and increase people’s potential? What part of the process do we wait to mature?

Like the advent of the PC Revolution (Pentium Windows 95), the spread of Internet (’97), the WiFi Laptops (Centrino), the Mobile Apps (Apple, Android), the prevalence of high speed Internet (4G, India’s Jio), the AI Revolution is a discontinuity. It will make or break industries and companies. It will democratise some aspects of the organisation.

But, for widespread adoption, we are still in the experimentation mode. It is not a golden wand that will treat all your maladies. Try out the possibilities, scale what works.

Experiment across possibilities. Recognise the hype. Invest in the truth.

Experiment across possibilities. Recognise the hype. Invest in the truth.

At Bsharp, we are seeing the environment in these three broad themes for 2024. We will invest and act towards this. It is back to basics time – let us telescope through the reality distortion and set the base for the future.

  1. Customer Success: Know your impact on your customer’s KPI (life). Maximise it.

  2. Information Security: Respect privacy. Build security first architecture. Build a safety reputation.

  3. On AI: Experiment across possibilities. Recognise the hype. Invest in the truth.

Happy new year 2024! Looking forward to hearing from you on your priorities.

Happy new year 2024! Looking forward to hearing from you on your priorities.

Want to learn how we can enable this for your team?
