Learnbee, an in-built content authoring tool for Bsharp Learn


Learnbee, an in-built content authoring tool for Bsharp Learn

Have you spent countless hours creating content, generating voice overs and stitching it all together? Do you want to reduce the amount of time it takes to get all of this done? If so, then our built-in content authoring tool, Learnbee can help you.

That’s right, Bsharp Learn now helps to make your training content be more effective, engaging and Interactive, all the while saving time in content development.

With our LTI integration, we can connect different learning tools together. In this case, we’re talking about connecting Learnbee, a content authoring tool, with our LMS Bsharp Learn.

Learnbee’s AI makes it easy to create content just by uploading your existing training PDF and saving your time in content development.

  • Ask AI to Summarize: Learnbee extracts the text from your document and summarizes it for you with a joke or a quote. You can even give it your own command.
  • Ask AI to Generate Voice-over: Make your training more effective by reinforcing the information to your learner with engaging voice-overs. Choose from over 8 voice-over options.
  • Ask AI to Generate Question: Learnbee’s AI can help you also generate questions based on the summarized text. Saving a lot of time in question development.

Here’s how you can create content from PDF

Once you’ve created your content, you can publish it to Bsharp Learn with just a few clicks.

The Learners can then just consume the content from within Bsharp Learn as a module. The LTI integration also makes sure that you get detailed reports from these training.

To Summarize, Learnbee’s integration with Learn is definitely worth considering if you want to,

  • Reduced content development time: Learnbee’s AI & interface makes it easy to create content by just uploading your training PDF.
  • More engaging and interactive content: Learnbee’s flipcards, themes, timers & points can help you create content that is visually appealing and engaging.
  • Easy content management: Once your content is created, you can easily publish it to Bsharp Learn with just a few clicks. Learnbee will then take care of storing your training content so that you can use it again.
  • Effective learning outcomes: With Training being more engaging and interactive, you can see an increase in consumptions and engagement rates.

So what are you waiting for? Save Time. Increase Impact. Get started now for free.

Want to learn how we can enable this for your team?
