Adopting a new sales enablement tool? Here are 5 tips that can help you boost adoption rates

Adopting a new sales enablement tool? Here are 5 tips that can help you boost adoption rates

So, you’ve launched a new frontline enablement tool. This could be a learning management system, a sales performance system, or something like Bsharp that combines the two

In our experience, conceptualizing, christening it (we know how exciting this part can be ?), and launching it is the easier part.

Getting your team to stay engaged on it, however, is where the challenge lies.

We’ve come across multiple cases where companies stay away from a sales enablement tool because of adoption challenges. Here are just a few of the reasons we’ve heard:

Sound familiar? Don’t worry, here are 5 steps you can take to help drive the adoption of your new LMS, or KPI/sales performance software.

  • Communicate
    a. Before launch – Let your teams know that you’re about to launch something that’s going to help them. “Help” being the operative word. Your communication should lead with benefits
    b. Launch: With essential launch details. When the platform will go live, a basic platform walkthrough will also be very useful.
    c. Ongoing: New program launch dates, how to access newly launched content, how to submit assessments, content launch dates along with timings.

  • Use online tools to make life easy:
    a. For communication and training videos: Tools such as Canva will help you get ongoing posters, videos out quickly.
    b. For reporting: Having your LMS or KPI software double up as a reporting tool will help a ton.

  • Your platform in multiple languages:
    Map out your store geography and the major languages within. Try and get your platform translated into these languages.

  • App not mandatory:
    If there’s resistance to downloading an app or if you think your team isn’t all too tech-savvy, try and opt for an app-agnostic approach. Maybe a super responsive web browser could be your solution.

  • What happened in the past is in the past:
    If you think your team could benefit from an enablement tool, you should consider one. Don’t get bogged down by past failures. Ask questions internally to understand what worked and what didn’t. This will help you start afresh.

Doing these simple things will help your team adopt your sales enablement tool, and help you scale across your entire organization.

Bsharp not only comes with the tech that helps frontline teams learn, perform better and stay productive, but also helps run successful engagement programs for its clients.

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